Tuesday, September 10, 2013

We're (Finally) Weathertight! (I think.)

The windows are finally here!

We had some drama with their delivery. Naturally. Because nothing in construction can be easy/normal/as expected/ [insert descriptor of typical expectations here].

The windows were supposed to come Monday morning. They didn't show. When our wonderful site supervisor, Brent, called to ask why they didn't come, the response was "it was raining." Mmmmk. I failed to understand why windows couldn't get wet at all. Add the fact that I'm pretty darn sure it never got beyond a light sprinkle, and it sounded even more silly. Oh well, Tuesday then.

Brent called them at 6:45 this morning to remind them about the delivery. They said "it's raining." I got a text telling me this, followed by a text that said "Long story short, the windows are here and we are installing them now." I'm gonna need that story later, but YAY BRENT.

The trucks prevented me from getting a good shot of the exterior, but you can see the two windows in the dormers. I can't wait to see what those look like with window seats.

This is the back porch. Those doors will be fully glass in the same pattern as the windows eventually, and we are seriously considering screening in the porch before we move in. The mosquitoes are particularly awful this year for some reason, but it's made us think hard about how we will use the porch without a screen!

The master bedroom set of windows facing the backyard (the other wall isn't pictured).

Our living room bank of windows looks great! I am very excited to see what Nicole comes up with for drapes for these. 

And last but not least, the utility room window looks tee-tiny!

Electrical can finally start, then insulation, and then we'll get to more fun stuff: drywall and trim. 

I do need a shop-vac before insulation starts. I can't wait to see Kevin's face when he finds out that yes, I actually DO intend to vacuum up all the dust between the studs before they put in the insulation. This should be highly entertaining. 

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